• መጋቤ ሐዲስ ቀሲስ ይልማ ቸርነት

  • መልአከ አርያም ቆሞስ አባ ዘካርያስ ቦጋለ 

  • ሊቀ ብርሃናት መርጌታ ተመስገን አሽብር 

  • ሊቀ ጠበብት ተስፋዬ እሸቱ

  • ሊቀ ዲያቆናት ኢዮሲያስ በላይ

  • Megabe Hadis Yilma Chernet – Chairman/ መጋቤ ሐዲስ ቀሲስ ይልማ ቸርነት - ሊቀመንበር

    Ato Samuel Belete - Vice Chairman / አቶ ሳሙኤል በለጠ- ምክትል ሊቀመንበር

    Dr. Yohannes Endeshaw - Secretary/ ዶ/ር ዮሐንስ እንደሻዉ - ጸሐፊ

    Ato Berhane Yemane - Treasurer/ አቶ ብርሃኔ የማነ - ገንዘብ ያዥ

    Tesfaye Tadesse / አቶ ተስፋዬ ታደሰ - የእቅድ እና የልማት ክፍል

    W/o Sosina Bekele/ ወ/ሮ ሶስና በቀለ

    Memhir Ashenafi Seid / መምህር አሸናፊ ሰይድ - የሰንበት ት/ቤት

    Ato Yilma Hailu አቶ ይልማ ኃይሉ - የሂሳብ ክፍል

  • We believe in on God the Father almighty, maker of heaven, earth and all things visible and invisible. And we believe in one Lord Jesus Christ, the only-begotten Son of the Father who was with Him before the creation of the world: Light from light, true God from true God, begotten not made, of one essence with the Father: By whom all things were made, and without Him was not any things in heaven or earth made: Who for us men and for our salvation came down from heaven, was made man and was incarnate from the Holy Spirit and from the holy Virgin Mary. Became man, was crucified for our sakes in the days of Pontius Pilate, suffered, died, was buried and rose from the dead on the third day as written in the holy scriptures: Ascended in glory into heaven, sat at the right hand of His Father, and will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead; there is no end of His reign. And we believe in the Holy Spirit, the life-giving God, who proceeded from the Father; we worship and glorify Him with the Father and the Son; who spoke by the prophets; And we believe in on holy, universal, apostolic church, and we believe in one baptism for the remission of sins, and wait for the resurrection from the dead and the life to come, world without end. Amen.

    God, my good and loving Lord, I acknowledge all the sins which I have committed every day in my life, whether in thought, word or deed. I ask for forgiveness from the depths of my heart for offending You and others and repent of my old ways. Help me by Your grace to change, to sin no more and to walk in the way of righteousness and to praise and glorify Your Name, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen. O Lord my God, I confess that I have sinned against You in thought, word and deed. I have also omitted to do what Your holy law requires of me. But now with repentance and contrition I turn again to Your love and mercy. I entreat You to forgive me all my transgressions and to cleanse me from all my sins. Lord, fill my heart with the light of Your truth. Strengthen my will by Your grace. Teach me both to desire and to do only what pleases You. Amen.

  • The history of Debre Bisrat St. Gabriel Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church (AKA Dagmawi Kulbi Debre Bisrat St Gabriel and Abuna Teklehaimanot Church) is, yet again, a testimony of God’s blessing of those who put their trust in him and show determination and perseverance to serve him. It started with a small group of about 30 individuals and their spiritual father, followers of the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church (EOTC), who gathered in the basement of a fellowship hall inside St. John the Wonder Worker, a Russian Orthodox Church in the Grand Park neighborhood of the city of Atlanta, in the month of January, 2003. They gathered to worship God, and pray to God so that He can provide them with a place of their own where they can worship HIM in the tradition of their forefathers, the tradition of EOTC. God answered their prayer within a short period of time, and they were blessed with a small chapel at Christ Our Savior Episcopal Church on North Highland road in Atlanta, GA. Here, they gathered every Sunday morning to worship God, sing and praise his name, pray and patake Holy Communion in the tradition of the EOTC. The church was blessed and consecrated by the late Abune Yesehaq, who was the Archbishop of the Western Hemisphere for the EOTC at the time.

    There after, the church grew rapidly members and the chapel became too small to accommodate the growing number of its congregation. To meet this challenge, the church members started looking for a place with a larger space. Between 2003 and 2009, the church relocated to two sites, namely Viola Auditorium at Morris Brown College, Atlanta GA, and at 4611 Greed Circle, Stone Mountain, GA in order to meet its space needs. During all these times, members of the church continued to pray to their Heavenly Father so that they can get a permanent place for their church. And this prayer was answered in February 2009, when the church acquired its current home at 3518 Clarkston Industrial Boulevard in Clarkston, GA.

    The church continues to grow and to provide religious and spiritual services to its congregation and their families in the tradition of EOTC; and by the Grace of God and the power of the Holy Spirt, continues to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ to all, regardless of their identity.